Our Association brings together all certified Rolfers® located in the Czech Republic, trained in the European Rolfing® Association or Dr. Ida Rolf Institute®. You will find our contacts and basic information about our work here.

Who we are

This is the official website for Certified Rolfers® in the Czech Republic. Our members are graduates of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute®.

Benefits of Rolfing®
Structural Integration

Pain relief

Increased body awareness,
balance and stability

Understanding of the body in movement and daily life

More energy

Rolfing® SI does not merely focus on solving individual symptoms, but optimizes the general constellation of the entire system, through which problems often gradually subside or disappear completely.

Latest News

Conference 2024

Conference 2024

We look back on the incredible spirit of our Biennial Conference themed 'Resilience through Rolfing® SI'. It was truly amazing to see Rolfers® from all over the world come together for this enriching event. Our international Rolfers® shared their valuable knowledge...

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The European Rolfing® Association has established a scholarship program to help candidates who wish to become Rolfers® but lack the financial resources. To qualify for the Scholarship, future Rolfing® students should have experienced at least five Rolfing® SI sessions...

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What Our Clients Say About Rolfing® SI

"Rolfing® is deep, comprehensive bodywork, and I am grateful to be treated by Jana Grimová, an experienced physiotherapist with great empathy. After two years of regular treatments, I feel that my body is much more grounded and centered. The last time it was this stable was probably in childhood. This translates into an overall sense of inner calm, clarity, and balance. I perceive Rolfing®, as practiced by Jana, as a great gift in my life."


"Every therapy session with Jitka is very pleasant. I greatly appreciate her comprehensive, professional, and positive approach to both me and my health. Rolfing® has helped me with long-term digestive issues and muscle pain. Thank you for being there for me. :)“


"Several years ago, due to an extremely extenuating workload, I burnt myself. It was a very difficult moment, including physical pain and psychological stress. That’s how I got to Rolfing, an experience that changed my life for better. I am eternally grateful to the Rolfing experience, it helped me to find the lost balance in my life."


"Rolfing® helped me to develop a deeper connection to my body and psyche. I have never felt such a healing and valuable impact on my entire musculoskeletal system before. Many stiff areas in my body, as well as in my soul, have been released. I feel great about this work because, as a former elite athlete who only made use and took from his body, I have now started to give back to it."


"During the sessions, I feel like a child in a candy store. I excitedly discover new connections within my body and perceive how different parts of my body cooperate in new and different ways. Rolfing® gives me a magical feeling of balance, harmony, and rejuvenation."


"I no longer feel back pain. It feels as if my right hip has finally 'fallen into place' after years. My ankle is much more flexible, and walking is now a new experience. I feel light and relaxed."


"During the Rolfing® sessions, I did not feel like a broken machine that needs to be fixed, but like a person exploring their subtle and intricate complexity."


Rolfing® Structural Integration is a trademark of Dr. Ida Rolf Institute®. The brand must be used as an adjective, for ease of reading we use it in the abbreviated form Rolfing® SI.

The terms Rolfing® SI and Rolfer® are reserved only for graduates of the certified trainings of Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® and European Rolfing® Association.

+420 721 264 606

Asociace Rolfingu® ČR, z. s.
Korunovační 125/32
Praha – Bubeneč
170 00

Rolfing® SI 2025