About Us

Asociace Rolfingu® Czech Republic, registered association
We are a professional association of certified Rolfers® in the Czech Republic. The main purpose of our association is to support and promote Rolfing® Structural Integration.

We are all members of the European Rolfing® Association (ERA) or Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® (DIRI), where we received our education. Our membership in these organizations requires us to adhere to international codes of ethics and standards of quality and practice. It also gives us the right to use the trademarks “Rolfing® SI”, “Rolfer®” and the official logo.

Association Members

Sabine Schumann

+420 603 732 853 / rolfingcz@gmail.com

Mgr. Jitka Kloutvorová, DiS.
Jablonec nad Nisou, Liberec

+420 775 104 939 / jitka.kloutvorova@seznam.cz

Bc. Jitka Havlíčková

+420 774 519 880/ info@rolfingliberec.cz

Mgr. Tereza Kodičková

+420 737 641 434 / info@terezakodickova.cz

Mgr. Jana Grimová
Brno, Frýdek Místek

+420 606 034 059 / grimova.jana@hotmail.com

Mgr. Luděk Thompson

 +420 773 155 562 / thompsonpober@gmail.com

Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® (DIRI)
Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® is a non-profit organization based in Boulder, Colorado, USA. It was founded in 1971 (as the Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration). Since Ida P. Rolf’s death in 1979, Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® has continued to share her work by certifying Rolfers® and Rolf Movement® practitioners, supporting research and spreading the legacy of Ida P. Rolf.
Today, there are more than 1,950 Rolfers® and Rolf Movement® practitioners worldwide.

European Rolfing® Association (ERA)
The European Rolfing® Association (ERA) is a non-profit organization based in Munich, Germany. It was founded in 1991 as an association of all practicing certified Rolfers® in Europe. It serves as a support for current and future Rolfers®. It provides the training of Rolfers®, their advanced education and mutual professional networking. Our association is the official branch of ERA in the Czech Republic.

Rolfing® Structural Integration is a trademark of Dr. Ida Rolf Institute®. The brand must be used as an adjective, for ease of reading we use it in the abbreviated form Rolfing® SI.

The terms Rolfing® SI and Rolfer® are reserved only for graduates of the certified trainings of Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® and European Rolfing® Association.

+420 721 264 606

Asociace Rolfingu® ČR, z. s.
Korunovační 125/32
Praha – Bubeneč
170 00

Rolfing® SI 2025