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Relationship of the neck to the head, thorax and the shoulders / Workshop with Konrad Obermeier
12.—14. 10. 2024 / Prague. The intention of Dr. Rolf with session No7 was to “put the head on”. A well-functioning and organized neck is prerequisite to this. Specific aspects of neck-head /neck-thorax / neck – shoulder relationships will be discussed. Also the...
Conference 2024
We look back on the incredible spirit of our Biennial Conference themed 'Resilience through Rolfing® SI'. It was truly amazing to see Rolfers® from all over the world come together for this enriching event. Our international Rolfers® shared their valuable knowledge...
The European Rolfing® Association has established a scholarship program to help candidates who wish to become Rolfers® but lack the financial resources. To qualify for the Scholarship, future Rolfing® students should have experienced at least five Rolfing® SI sessions...
Meet Rolfing® SI
Are you interested in getting to know Rolfing® SI a little better? Where does the name Rolfing® SI come from, how has it developed in recent years? What's new in fascia research and what makes the treatment so special? Are you part of a group of interested people,...
About Breathing and the Diaphragm / Workshop with Konrad Obermeier
2.–4. 6. 2023 / The respiratory diaphragm creates one of the most fundamental physiological forces acting in and on the human body. The continuity of repetitive patterned movements executed in breathing is contributing significantly to the structural organization of...
About Rolfing® SI in DVTV
We all know how to breathe, but we don't do it in the most appropriate way, says Ludek Thompson, the promoter of the rolfing method. It is a method that works with the human body by using connective tissue that surrounds the muscles. If something is not working in the...
Rolfing® Structural Integration is a trademark of Dr. Ida Rolf Institute®. The brand must be used as an adjective, for ease of reading we use it in the abbreviated form Rolfing® SI.
The terms Rolfing® SI and Rolfer® are reserved only for graduates of the certified trainings of Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® and European Rolfing® Association.
+420 721 264 606
Asociace Rolfingu® ČR, z. s.
Korunovační 125/32
Praha – Bubeneč
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