12.—14. 10. 2024 / Prague.
The intention of Dr. Rolf with session No7 was to “put the head on”. A well-functioning and organized neck is prerequisite to this. Specific aspects of neck-head /neck-thorax / neck – shoulder relationships will be discussed. Also the motor-sensoriality (eyes and their muscels, vestibular and olfactory system, suboccipital muscels and hearing capacity) will be addressed to competently contribute to orientation and movement in space and gravity.
Saturday 12.10.2024
9:00 – 18:00
Sunday 13.10.2024
9:00 – 18:00
Monday 14.10.2024
9:00 – 13:00
550 EUR early bird price
(till 31.6. 2024)
595 EUR regular price
(250 EUR deposit is payable with registration)
Konrad Obermeier
Certified Advanced Rolfer
Yoga-Studio Jemný svět
Chopinova 1529